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Therefore, patients can be recommended moderate therapeutic exercises, swimming to unload the spinal column, and constant monitoring of the state of their bone tissue for osteoporosis and deepening of the lesion of the vertebral bodies. In the event that the bone tissue becomes fragile and the hernia increases, it is necessary to start treating osteoporosis, use a corset and avoid heavy lifting. If the hernia has been stable for many years, then you need to monitor the weight, not allowing it to increase, and annually conduct an X-ray examination of the spine in two projections, which is quite enough for primary control of the situation.

Schmorl's hernia is a condition in which there is a vertical protrusion of the nucleus of the intervertebraldisk. As a result, the bone tissue of the vertebral body is pressed through, which over time can lead to pain, neurological disorders, and even compression fractures. General information about the disease. The intervertebral disc consists of an elastic core surrounded by a strong fibrous membrane. Under the influence of certain pathological factors, the membrane becomes thinner and torn, and the nucleus begins to form a small cavity in the vertebral bone, filling it at the same time. This disease is asymptomatic for a long time and is often detected by chance during examination for one reason or another.

Only with significant volumes of formation does it begin to bulge beyond the boundaries of the vertebra, causing symptoms of compression of the nerve roots, similar to a classic intervertebral hernia. Formations often occur in adolescents against the background of rapid growth of the skeleton. In this case, the most typical localization is the thoracic region. Adults are more likely to encounter Schmorl's hernias, which have formed in the lumbar spine against the background of an increased load on the musculoskeletal system. Among the reasons contributing to the appearance of Schmorl's hernia, is included.

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The main classification of Schmorl's hernias is based on their localization. There are the following types of formations. Depending on the number of protrusions, single and multiple hernias are distinguished. Single formations usually occur in the elderly against the background of an increased load on the spinal column, and multiple formations are formed in the thoracic region in young people. Schmorl's hernia is asymptomatic for a long time, because it does not go beyond the contours of the vertebra. Regardless of the localization of the protrusion, a person periodically notes slight pain in the affected area. They are aggravated by lifting weights, bending over, turning the body, as well as staying in the same position for a long time. In the supine position, the discomfort is reduced.

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Significant pain sensations occur already with a significant increase in the size of the formation, as a result of which it can cause a typical picture of radiculopathy with pain and signs of irritation or compression of the nerve root. numbness of the extremities, paresthesia, decreased muscle strength and reflexes. With the development of pathology in the cervical region, the growth of the protrusion can provoke headaches, dizziness and other signs of insufficient blood flow to the brain.

The second typical symptom of Schmorl's hernia is a feeling of fatigue in the spine, which increases with a long stay in an upright position.

Diagnosis of Schmorl's hernia is not difficult. At the first visit, the neurologist conducts a survey of the patient, finding out the details of the main complaints, the timing and circumstances of their occurrence. In parallel, data are collected on chronic diseases, past infections, and injuries. When it comes to a child or teenager, the developmental features of the body are taken into account. After the interview, the doctor conducts a neurological examination to assess the function of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. The diagnosis is confirmed using modern methods of visualization of internal structures. May be used depending on the situation.

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These examinations allow you to see the characteristic changes in the bone tissue of one or more vertebrae and make an accurate diagnosis.

If necessary, laboratory diagnostics (general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests), instrumental and functional examinations, as well as consultations of narrow specialists are prescribed. They are necessary to exclude another cause of the onset of symptoms. The treatment is based on a combination of methods of unloading the spine, strengthening the muscular corset, medical support and physiotherapy. An integrated approach allows not only to relieve the patient of pain and discomfort, but also to eliminate the consequences of squeezing the roots.

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